The Pinnacle Homes Blog

Join Us As We Support Our Favorite Local Restaurants

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Join Us As We Support Our Favorite Local Restaurants

As a small company ourselves, we are committing to support our fellow Wichita area businesses by ordering a meal from one of our favorite local spots each week. We’ve compiled a list of our most-loved restaurants, including their contact information, as well as what they’re able to safely offer the public at this time. We’re going to skip the stove top one or two nights this week and order from one of these local eateries instead.

A night off from cooking and a boost to the local economy? Sounds like a win-win to us!

We encourage you to join us if you’re able. Together we can take steps to improve the Wichita area economy and help those who may be struggling during this time.

Thank you for supporting our favorite small businesses with us! If you’re ready to update that kitchen in which you’re cooking your other 19-20 meals this week, we would be delighted to help! Call our office or fill out our online form. Stay safe, Wichita!

Pinnacle Homes is not affiliated with any of these businesses in any way. We’re just big fans!

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